Communications CoP: Humor Writing Reload
This is a NCPMI Communication & Public Speaking CoP- NCPL Toastmasters Club Meeting.
The Meeting includes prepared speech, table topics, networking, evaluations, jokes and multiple meeting operations roles.
11-27-2018: 5:30 pm -8:00 pm (5.30-6.00 Registration, Snack & Pre-meeting Networking)
Cisco Campus - Building 3, First Floor, The Vault Conference Room
A person with a sense of humor has the ability to grasp and appreciate what is funny, and the ability to express what is funny. It is a safe wager that most of us would prefer to be associated with leaders who have a sense of humor. Humor has the ability to quickly change the emotional texture and complexion of our environment, reducing stress, while enhancing play, resulting in enhanced creativity and productivity.
Deliberate practice is required to tap the wellspring of our sense of humor. This funShop will provide the atmosphere and instruction to support that practice, providing tools we can use to support a lifelong immersion into humor.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- Review the humor formula, along with an understanding of why people laugh
- Understand forms of humor such as satire, parody and spoof
- Explore brainstorming methods to create material from which humor can be mined
- Practice humor mechanisms such as exaggeration, definition, puns…
About the Speaker

Derrick Williams first joined Toastmasters in 1992, stayed until 2000, left to become submerged in stressful engineering and project management activities, then had a second coming in 2014.
Even though he has been shocked and delighted several times as an electrical engineer, loved yet abandoned bits and bytes, failed and succeeded as a project engineer, led and transformed winning teams, lost and made money in the stock market, after 38 years of dedicated technical and professional experience, he remains convinced that maturity and adulthood are way overrated, and that boy everlasting is the best way to live.
He also believes that we were placed on this earth to help each other and to have a good time. Springing from his Jamaican roots, his motto is "No Problem"
Please note the following:
- This meeting is free for NCPMI & North Carolina Project Leaders Toastmasters (NCPL) members
- Space is limited if you register and cannot attend, please update the Chairperson in order that your space can be allocated to members on the standby list. -This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
- Snack/Finger food will be provided
- PDUs will be reported by NCPMI
- PMPs are required to provide their PMI numbers in order that their PDUs can be reported
- Please arrive on time in order that the meeting can start promptly
- Please leave the facility in equal or better condition than you found it
- The meeting will take place at Cisco in Building 12, 7200 Kit Creek Rd, Morrisville, NC. Click on Location for directions. When you arrive, PLEASE LOOK FOR THE NCPMI & North Carolina Project Leaders Toastmasters signs.
- There are other Toastmasters clubs meeting at Cisco. Please ensure that you attend the correct meeting- NCPMI Communication & Public Speaking CoP- NCPL Toastmasters Club Meeting
We are no longer accepting registration for this event