Higher Education CoP: Artificial Intelligence in Project Management: Your Replacement or Your Partner?

Higher Education CoP: Artificial Intelligence in Project Management: Your Replacement or Your Partner?

Higher Education CoP:  Artificial Intelligence in Project Management: Your Replacement or Your Partner?


“Hey Siri, tell me how AI will affect my role as a project manager?” Artificial Intelligence (AI) has permeated many aspects of our lives. It stands to reason that it will greatly impact the realm of project management. In the following presentation, we will provide a brief introduction to AI and identify ways in which it can revolutionize project management from scheduling and resource allocation to risk assessment and quality improvement. We will also illustrate the ways in which AI is currently being utilized in clinical research and healthcare and assess its limitations. Finally, we will analyze how the role of project managers will change when AI is implemented and provide tips on how to initiate AI usage in the hopes of expanding its role in more complex projects.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand what AI is and how it can be utilized in project management

·        Identify changes in a project manager’s role with AI

About the Speaker:  Abraham Nguyen


Abraham Nguyen is a member of the Duke Project Management Community of Practice’s Programming Subcommittee where he helps identify trends and assess current needs of Duke Project Managers and develops programming to address those needs. In researching upcoming trends in project management, Abraham identified Artificial Intelligence as a developing tool that will revolutionize the realm of project management. He has since examined how AI has/will infiltrate all aspects of healthcare from drug development to patient treatment and care. Abraham is also PhD candidate in Sarah Goetz’s Lab in the Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology at Duke, where he studies the molecular mechanisms by which organelles called primary cilia are stabilized. He has also served as Executive Board Member for the Duke Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans (SACNAS) and  is an intern at the Duke Career Center spearheading the development of a A2I, a program aimed at bridging the gap between academia and industry.

This is a joint event between NCPMI Higher Education Community of Practice (HECoP), and the Duke Project Management CoP. The event is free and open to anyone interested in project management.


  1. This event is a Zoom-Only event
  2. After registering and upon approval by the host, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the session. Please join the session shortly before 12:00 pm.

Event Details

Event Date 10-19-2021 12:00 pm
Event End Date 10-19-2021 1:00 pm
Cut off date 10-19-2021 1:00 pm
Registered 0
Available place 300
Individual Price Free
No. of Business Acumen PDUs 0.75
No. of Power Skills PDUs 0.25
Location Virtual Meeting

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