DRAFT Higher Education CoP July 15 2020: Microsoft Teams for Project Managers

DRAFT Higher Education CoP July 15 2020: Microsoft Teams for Project Managers


As organizations have adjusted to working remotely, it has accelerated the adoption of software platforms that provide both synchronous and asynchronous collaboration capabilities for distributed teams.  At the Duke Human Vaccine Institute (DHVI), the organization has increased usage of Microsoft Teams to maintain momentum on existing research programs and pivot to focus COVID-19 research as well.  Microsoft Teams has many features that project teams can utilize to plan, execute, monitor and control their projects.  Examples of these features will be demonstrated such that attendees can consider which ones could provide benefits to their project teams and allow them to tailor the platform to meet the unique needs of their organization.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the features/interface of MS Teams
  • Learn how to use MS Teams to plan, execute and monitor & control projects

About the Speakers:

Gary Hoke, MBA, PMP, CSM, CSPB

Gary Hoke currently serves as Director, IT at the Duke Human Vaccine Institute (DHVI) where he leads a team focused on the delivery of IT systems and services that support the organization's fight against major infectious diseases.  Throughout his career, Gary has leveraged his leadership, management, and technical skills to deliver world-class IT solutions to companies in the clinical research industry.  Gary is a four-time graduate of North Carolina State University where he attained three engineering degrees and an MBA. 

Hilary Bouton-Verville, PSM, RLATG

Hilary Bouton-Verville currently serves as Program Lead for the Duke CIVICs Vaccine Center (DCVC) at the DHVI where she leads a team focused on influenza vaccine design with a goal of designing multiple seasonal and universal influenza vaccine candidates for a clinical trial.  In addition to DCVC, Hilary manages multiple research grants and contracts at DHVI and has served as Associate Director of Program Management in DHVI.  Hilary received her PSM from Illinois Institute of Technology. Hilary also graduated in the inaugural class of Duke Management Academy in 2019 and serves on the Duke Project Managers Community of Practice (PMCoP) Steering Committee.

Event Details

Event Date 09-10-2013 12:00 pm
Event End Date 09-10-2013 1:00 pm
Cut off date 07-15-2020 12:05 pm
Registered 0
Available place 300
Individual Price FREE to NCPMI members and non-members
No. of Ways of Working PDUs 1
Location Webinar

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