LEADERSHIP: Q4 GUEST SPEAKER – Emotional Intelligence Fundamentals: EQ Trumps IQ for Career Advancement

LEADERSHIP: Q4 GUEST SPEAKER – Emotional Intelligence Fundamentals: EQ Trumps IQ for Career Advancement

You may be familiar with IQ, which measures your cognitive intelligence, but has anyone asked you about EQ or Emotional quotient?  What is EQ? Simply put, EQ, which is driven by your emotional intelligence, is your awareness of how your actions and feelings affect the people around you.

Being emotionally intelligent means you understand the cause and effect of your actions and words. You understand what the impact of “being you” has on individuals and groups and you understand how to read others emotions and actions and work with their emotional limits. The key to remember is you can never change someone else but you can change and adjust yourself.  Emotional Intelligence includes these attributes:

  • Respecting others
  • Listening to others
  • Empathizing with others
  • Identifying with others

Knowledge workers do their work in teams. Teams are filled with “others”. Your ability to work with those “others” determines what you get done and how fast you get it done. If you have a high EQ, you get things done fast with minimal impact on the organization.

In this session we will cover:

  • The meaning of emotional intelligence
  • The differences between EQ and IQ
  • The identification of emotional "hot buttons"
  • How to determine which emotional intelligence competencies to improve when working with others
  • Detecting the signs of emotional outburst in others

Speaker Biography: David Mantica

As a Professional Training Leader and Training Industry Veteran, David has been a broad contributor to the field of professional training. Besides his tenure on various private industry certification boards, he has written articles and spoken at many industry conferences, including numerous IIBA and PMI chapter meetings, Comdex Chicago, OSP Conference, ACUTA conference and 1-jobs Career Fairs. He currently writes weekly on the ASPE-SDLC and ASPE-ROI blogs, and has facilitated or presented many dozens of free information sessions and web seminars to more than 3,000 professionals. These programs encompassed a wide array of topics on software development, technology tools, marketing and project management. David has directed and published multiple salary surveys in the professional areas of Agile development, project management and business analysis. David’s primary expertise lies in his unique ability to understand the business drivers that underscore the need for technology skills and find a market niche for educational products which help professionals achieve competitive advantage with these skills. He also specializes in topics focusing on the alignment of business needs and technology resources, and building training solutions around it.

Special instructions for finding the meeting location:

  1. Location: APEX Room, 100 New Millennium Way Bldg 3. (NCW3A RM:03A3219)
  2. Fidelity Parking Garage at Google Maps location 35.885110, -78.861439
  3. Fidelity Parking Garage Google Maps
  4. Park in Fidelity Parking Garage and use Pedestrian Bridge to access 100 New Millennium Way Bldg 3.

Event Details

Event Date 11-10-2016 5:30 pm
Event End Date 11-10-2016 7:00 pm
Cut off date 11-10-2016 6:00 pm
Registered 42
Individual Price $5.00
Location Fidelity

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