PMO: June 2016 - From Agile to HyperAgile

PMO: June 2016 - From Agile to HyperAgile

Most large organisations operate in models from the 19th century. These models are typically hierarchical, filled with approvals, placing decision making with leadership only. They were thought to last the test of time; however, in a complex 21st century world that changes at a quick pace, being nimble and increasing speedto-market raises cause for redefining legacy operational models. Hyperagile organisations are designed to adapt quickly to changes in business, economic, and geopolitical environments. They rely on trust and accountability to let employees take initiatives that lead to innovation and rapid execution.  Read More

Event Details

Event Date 06-29-2016 5:30 pm
Event End Date 06-29-2016 7:00 pm
Registered 0
Individual Price $5.00
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