

Keith is a Senior Consultant, Trainer and Coach with over 25 years of successful management and consulting experience and business planning. Keith is a leader in Agile training, coach and transitioning to Agile and is well known for his public speaking skills and enthusiasm and has been a welcomed facilitator at numerous fortune 500 corporations, universities, and associations worldwide. He is engaging, energetic, entertaining and informative.

Topic - Risk Management for Agile and Waterfall Projects

Learning Objective

Your sponsor likes the Project Charter, Stakeholder registry, Requirement’s document, WBS, and the project management work you completed when asked to manage the project just a week ago. Now the sponsors require a risk assessment. What would you do? We will discuss the importance of proactively identifying and managing risks. We will walk you through risk management steps. We will also explore risk management for Agile projects.

What You Will Learn

At the end of this program, you will be able to:

 Demonstrate to others how the risk management processes in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) apply to your project’s environment

 Adapt these processes for your projects

 Explain the importance of using risk management best practices in Agile and Waterfall projects

Webinar Overview This webinar will cover:

 The importance of risk management  The steps to proactively identify and manage risk

 Risk management for Agile teams


Topic - Sprint Zero: Starting Off Right 

Learning Objective 

About the Webinar So you’ve started off applying Agile practices with a Scrum project. But it’s been much harder than they said it would be. Failed iterations early on, confused team members and stakeholders, low-value items getting done…. Wasn’t this supposed to be easy and simple?

Unfortunately, there’s a lot of silence about what happens before iteration 1. But isn’t everything supposed to happen after the first iteration? Doesn’t the Product Backlog just evolve on its own after starting the project?

Yes, we could just get started with a number of user stories. And we would make some progress and get some things done. But is that really effective? Are we reaching the full potential of what could be created?

There are some key elements you should have in place before the first iteration. Let’s state (or re state) the overall vision and purpose of the product. We need to truly understand the people who are going to use it, for now and for the future. And let's analyze what can affect our outcome. These critical factors will inform the initial product backlog creation.

Having these important things will ensure a better start for your Agile project.

What You Will Learn

After this one-hour session, learners will be able to:

 Identify the key factors that contribute to a successful Agile project start

 Focus on personas, journey maps, and a business canvas

 Recognize the attribute of an initial product backlog