Title: "Not all teams are created equal – the importance of building Collective Intelligence on our teams” 




We have created a variety of tests and tools that attempt to measure human intelligence under the belief that people have varying levels of intelligence.  But, what about teams?  Do they have varying degrees of Collective Intelligence?  And if they do have varying levels of intelligence, what can we do as leaders to foster our teams Collective Intelligence?   

In this session we will be looking at some Social Psychology studies that address those questions.  Studies that show that well-formed teams can consistently make better decisions while addressing a variety of different problems.  Studies that show some of our commonly held beliefs about what will make an effective team are not correct and that some of the factors that make an intelligent team are quite surprising.   



  • Understand that teams have different levels of Collective Intelligence 
  • Ability to identify faulty thinking used to form teams 
  • Ability to identify and apply principles to help teams increase their effectiveness