Career Workshop: Finding a Career that You Love

Career Workshop: Finding a Career that You Love

Do you want to find a career that you love?  Maybe you’ve been so busy worrying about your current job that you haven’t taken half an hour to consider what you’d rather be doing. And when you do start to think about it, your mind morphs into a cloudy mess of overwhelm.

Believe me: I’ve been there, too. And after I did find what I was looking for, I’ve spent time coaching friends and colleagues who are going through the same thing. While there aren’t any shortcuts when it comes to planning to go after your dream job, I’ve found that breaking the big question down into a few simpler ones can be a productive way to get started.

Once you’re done answering those questions, take a look at your answers. You may find clear-cut patterns—for example, that everything on your list has to do with designing beautiful spaces or playing sports. But at the very least, you’ll probably see some common themes. Maybe it’s creativity, or caring for others, or working outside using your hands. And no, those things don’t point to one single career path, but knowing what you value, what you enjoy, and what you want to be known for is a great way to get started honing in on what you want to do next (or, hey, eliminating possibilities).  We will take this exciting journey together as we discover how to find the career that you love.

About Richard Jordan

RichardJordanRichard is a hands-on Human Resources, Talent Acquisition and Talent Management leader, consultant and coach. Experienced in multiple sectors, and GPHR, SHRM-SCP and Chartered MCIPD certified, he is known for finding and improving high potential talent and for leading successful change, leading high-performing teams and building strong client relationships in Europe, North America and Africa.

As the Principal of Strengtheningtalent, Richard tailors highly-effective career search content and delivers group workshops and 1-1 coaching to talent at all levels; executives, professionals, post-graduate students, professional associations, community colleges and other community-based job networking groups.

Event Details

Event Date 02-16-2017 5:30 pm
Event End Date 02-16-2017 8:00 pm
Cut off date 02-16-2017 12:00 pm
Registered 32
Available place 0
Individual Price Free
Location MetLife - Building 2, Edison I

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