Advertise here and be in contact with one of PMI Global's top 15 Chapters world wide based on membership!

Reach 5,500+ people interested in our Chapter monthly by advertising in our newsletter!  

Download the Sponsorship application found in the PDF.

For additional information on how to connect with our membership, please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Be a Hero!

Ask your Company to sponsor NCPMI chapter programs

Let your boss know you are thinking like a CEO:

  • That you know the value of good public relations
  • That sponsorship will strengthen your firm’s brand in the eyes of 300 of North Carolina’s best project managers every month at chapter meetings
  • 50,000 people who visit our website every year
  • 5,500 subscribers to our monthly and quarterly newsletters
  • That your company supports nationally recognized business speakers and trainers to further the professional development of the region’s employees
  • That the annual cost for your business is a modest $800 to $1,800 per year

For details, please contact:

Angela Thornton
VP of Marketing

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