Events Calendar

Sunday. 12 April, 2020 - Saturday. 18 April, 2020
Monday. 13 April, 2020
6:30 pm

NCPMI Board of Officers Meetings

Sheraton Imperial RTP

NCPMI Board Officers meets monthly on the second Monday of each month. The meetings are open to the membership. Any NCPMI members who would like to attend should send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at least a week prior, so any logistical arrangements can be made.

Tuesday. 14 April, 2020
5:30 pm

Communications CoP: Does this look like it was planned?

Virtual Conference Call

This is a NCPMI Communication & Public Speaking CoP- NCPL Toastmasters Club Meeting.
The Meeting includes prepared speeches, table topics, networking, evaluations, jokes and multiple meeting operations roles.
5:45 pm - 8:00 pm (5.45 - 6.00 Registration & Pre-meeting Networking)

Meeting will be convened by Virtual Conference Call

When you reach a certain age, ‘retirement’ moves from being a quasi-theoretical concept, and becomes a cruel fact of life. It is not uncommon for people reaching this age to reflect on their career – even if it’s only to relive past glories and stave off the inevitable. Rich is now at that stage in his life, and he would like to share some of his reflections with you. In an effort to make it more interesting to this audience, however, and to provide a little extra challenge, Rich will try to frame his career as a major project he has (mis)managed over the years by presenting his reflections in the form of a post-project review. He hopes that some of the mistakes he’s made over the years will provide useful lessons to at least a few of the members of his audience – particularly those that are still early in their career.
Learning Objective
Participants will gain
Insights into how to manage their career
About the Speaker 
Rich Lemert received his Bachelor of Science degrees (both of them) in May, 1978, and began a career that has taken him places he never expected to see and had him do things he didn’t even know could be done. He has worked as a process engineer in a metal refinery, taught engineering at the college level, and served as a physical verification specialist in the semiconductor design industry. Along the way he has earned both a Masters and a PhD in Chemical Engineering, and has earned accreditation as a Professional Engineer and as a Project Management Professional. He joined Toastmasters in 2012, is a member of two clubs, and has served as a club officer multiple times, as an Area Director, as a Division Director, and is one of North Carolina’s leading advocates for the Pathways Educational Program.