Events Calendar

Sunday. 07 March, 2021 - Saturday. 13 March, 2021
Tuesday. 09 March, 2021
5:45 pm

Communications and Public Speaking CoP: Becoming a Shift Thinker

Virtual Meeting

Communications and Public Speaking CoP is a part of NC Project Leaders Toastmasters.  It is the perfect club where project management, leadership and public speaking skills are featured in a fun, safe, supportive environment.

Thursday. 11 March, 2021
6:00 pm

Leadership CoP - Create Belonging with C.L.A.I.M.

Virtual Meeting – Conferencing details will be distributed prior to the meeting

About the speaker:

Growing up in a small Mississippi town taught Dea Irby about belonging. She and her husband since 1974 have lived in 15 homes in 5 Southern states, raising 8 children. She published “A Dollop and a Pinch: Recipes and Stories of Baron York” after her 7 years of being an owner/operator restaurateur. The one consistent thread throughout all her adventures has been building real community - in the home, in business, and in teams. Dea discovered that in all of life, a real community is vital. It’s not just about being connected, it’s about being claimed.

6:00 pm

Group Career Coaching Overview

Virtual Meeting – Conferencing details will be distributed prior to the meeting


Often Project Managers struggle with their career planning and achieving those career goals. This is true with both novice project managers as well as highly experienced project managers. In this coaching overview, NK will provide the details of the group coaching sessions that he is going to facilitate regularly to help project managers decide what they want to achieve as their near and long term career goals and also help them achieve those goals.